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​2024 SSP ​Officer Election

Meet Your Candidates

Eligible voting members of SSP will receive an electronic ballot in August to vote one person in for each elected position on the 2024–2026 SSP Executive Committee. Voting will be open through August 29, 2024. Elected officials assume their roles following the 2024 SSP Conference. ​

Contact SSP with ballot questions.

Learn more about each candidate by clicking on their name.

​Chair Elect Candidates​​

Dolores Oreskovich
Jeffrey Scott ​ ​ 

Treasurer​​ Candidates​​​​​ 

Jennifer Grady​
Kelly Van Haren ​  

​​​​​Internal Communications Chair​​​ Candidates

Annette Hottenstein
Chrisly Philip
Alex Maxwell​

​Strategic Planning &​ Nominations (SPAN) Chair Candidates​

Susan Hooge​
Colleen Moore Mezler​​ ​  

​​​Member-at-Large/Global​ Outreach​​​​​ Chair Candidates  ​

Victoria Coutiño​
Soumi Paul
Dam​ir Torrico

​Member-at-Large/Professional​ Development Chair Candidates​

Asmita Singh​
Rachel Primrose Vanlandingham ​  

​Member-at-Large/Scientific​ Chair Candidates

Michelle Niedziela
Janavi Kumar