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Virtual Regional Meetings

The Sky is Not the Limit: Taking Sensory into the Final Frontier

 Broadcast Date: November 1, 2017
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About the Meeting

The challenge of providing astronauts with a safe, nutritious, yet appetizing food source can seem as big as space itself. NASA deals with no freezers or refrigeration, supplies that must be able to last for multi-year missions, meeting nutritional requirements for spaceflight, severe weight and bulk limits, a captive clientele that can show their displeasure in front of millions of viewers, and oh — no crumbs!

Please join the Society of Sensory Professionals for a presentation and discussion with Dr. Grace Douglas, Ph.D. – Advanced Food Technology Lead Scientist at the NASA Johnson Space Center on the unique challenges, but also the commonalities, with food production and sensory testing for out of this world consumers. ​

Dr. Grace Douglas serves as the lead scientist for NASA’s Advanced Food Technology research effort to determine methods, technologies, and requirements to develop a safe, nutritious, and palatable food system that will promote astronaut health during long duration spa​ce missions. Her responsibilities include assessing the risk of an inadequate food system to crew based on vehicle design and mission concept and developing the research path that will ensure the food system meets crew health requirements on both commercial and NASA spaceflight vehicles. She holds degrees in food science from Penn State and North Carolina State University, and a Ph.D. in Functional Genomics from North Carolina State University.


This program qualifies for Certified Food Scientist (CFS) renewal contact hours (CH). CFS Certificants may claim a maximum of 2 CH for their participation in this program. For more information, please visit or email ​