NOTE To edit wiki pages, you must be a member of SSP and logged in with your account.
- Open the wiki page you want to edit and click the "Edit this Page" link.
- Type or edit any text you want.
- Use the buttons on the ribbon to format text, and insert other content, such as pictures, tables, and hyperlinks.

- To add wiki links to other pages, type the name of the page surrounded by double square brackets:
Page Name
. For example, to add a wiki link to a page named "Project Dates," type:
Project Dates
Once you start typing the name of the page the wiki will suggest page names that start with what you are typing.

NOTE If the page that you are linking to does not exist yet, a placeholder link with a dotted underline will appear on the page (after you save the edited page). To create the page later, someone can click the underlined placeholder link and then click Create.
- When you are finished editing the page, click Save & Close.
For advanced editing features, please view
wiki style guideline