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Curion Presents: All Methods of Descriptive Analysis are Not Alike

Descriptive Analysis (DA) is a research approach in which a trained panel of participants rate the perceived intensity of a products sensory attributes. It is primarily used to compare the similarities and differences between products to guide product development and quality control. There are various approaches to DA, each with its relative strengths and uses. QUANTITATIVE DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS (QDA)® is a well validated approach that utilizes consumers who are users and likers of a product category who develop a 'lexicon' of their own words that, unlike other approaches, is representative of consumers language and, is easily understood by marketing, advertising, and consumers. This learning session will compare and contrast different DA approaches with the aim of providing listeners with an understanding of their relative strengths and applications.

Sensory Spectrum Inc. Cocktail Pairing and Multi-Sensory Session
